„Františku, ukaž mu, jaká je u tebe vojna, ať si dobytek nemyslí, že je na rekreaci.“ František Pergl, správce vojenské vazební věznice 5. oddělení Hlavního štábu Ministerstva národní obrany v letech 1949–1951 [“Show him that right army drill of yours, Fr

Pages 13-20
Citation BÁRTOVÁ, Markéta. „Františku, ukaž mu, jaká je u tebe vojna, ať si dobytek nemyslí, že je na rekreaci.“ František Pergl, správce vojenské vazební věznice 5. oddělení Hlavního štábu Ministerstva národní obrany v letech 1949–1951 [“Show him that right army drill of yours, Fr. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia. Prague: National Museum, 2016, 70(3-4), 13-20. ISSN 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online). Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/amnph/70-3-4/frantisku-ukaz-mu-jaka-je-u-tebe-vojna-at-si-dobytek-nemysli-ze-je-na-rekreaci-frantisek-pergl-spravce-vojenske-vazebni-veznice-5-oddeleni-hlavniho-stabu-ministerstva-narodni-obrany-v-letech-19491951-show-him-that-right-army-drill-of-yours-fr
Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia | 2016/70/3-4

František Pergl is synonymous with the brutal violence and psychological terror which occurred in the army detention centre (so-called “Domeček”) of the 5th Department of the Ministry of National Defense General Headquarters from 1941 to 1951. Dozens of arrested Czechoslovak soldiers, accused of activities against the communist regime, were exposed to the latterʼs sadistic methods while in custody and during the interrogation. Pergl was arrested for his actions in March 1951 and sentenced to imprisonment for 11 years in 1953. The present paper maps Perglʼs life and career, describes the usual course of criminal proceedings and conditions in the “Domeček”, in actual fact a communist torture chamber, under Perglʼs wardenship.

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