ISSN : 0374-1036 (print) 1804-6487 (online)
Editor in Chief : Kment Petr
Editor in Chief : Kment Petr
Description of a new species of Anthocoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) from southern India, associated with striped mealybug on purple orchid tree
Kazutaka Yamada, Chandish R. Ballal, Tripti Gupta, Janakiraman Poorani
Annotated catalogue of the Iranian broad-headed bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Alydidae)
Hassan Ghahari, Diego Leonardo Carpintero, Pierre Moulet, Rauno E. Linnavuori, Hadi Ostovan
Copelatus sibelaemontis sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) from the Moluccas with generic assignment based on morphology and DNA sequence data
Jiří Hájek, Lars Hendrich, Oliver Hawlitschek, Michael Balke
Kmentophylus nom. nov., a new substitute name for Aplagiognathus (Heteroptera: Miridae)
Ram Keshari Duwal, Tomohide Yasunaga, Seung-Hwan Lee
Fossil water scavenger beetles of the subtribe Hydrobiusina (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) from the Late Oligocene locality of Aix-en-Provence (France)
Martin Fikáček, Jakub Prokop, André Nel
Redescription of the Neotropical water scavenger beetle genus Phaenostoma (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) with description of two new species
Grey T. Gustafson, Andrew E. Z. Short
Discovery of the rare genus Awas in mainland China with description of a new species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae: Goniaceritae
Mei-Jun Zhao, Li-Zhen Li, Zi-Wei Yin
A review of the genus Bietia with a description of a new species from Yunnan, China (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Goliathini)
Stanislav Jákl, David Král, Vítězslav Kubáň