A new Copelatus with small eyes from the Eastern Cape Wild Coast, South Africa (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)

Pages 15-21
DOI 10.37520/aemnp.2022.002
Keywords aquatic Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Copelatus, new species, South Africa
Citation BILTON, David T. a MLAMBO, Musa C.. A new Copelatus with small eyes from the Eastern Cape Wild Coast, South Africa (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae. Prague: National Museum, 2022, 62(1), 15-21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/aemnp.2022.002. ISSN 0374-1036 (print) 1804-6487 (online). Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/acta-entomologica-musei-nationalis-pragae/62-1/a-new-copelatus-with-small-eyes-from-the-eastern-cape-wild-coast-south-africa-coleoptera-dytiscidae
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae | 2022/62/1

A new diving beetle, Copelatus mkambati sp. nov., is described from the Mkambati Nature Reserve in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The new species is compared with other Afrotropical taxa with two elytral striae and no submarginal stria (the macellus species group of Copelatus Erichson, 1832). A combination of small eyes, rather weak pigmentation, flattened, subparallel habitus, relatively large head and collecting circumstances all suggest that the new species may be semisubterranean in lifestyle.

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