Harfy ve sbírce Národního muzea – Českého muzea hudby / Harps in the Collection of the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music
ISBN: 978-80-7036-730-8, 978-80-7036-731-5 (pdf)
Author(s): Daniela Kotašová
Publisher: National Museum
Type of publication: Book / E-book
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 240
Citation: KOTAŠOVÁ, Daniela. Harfy ve sbírce Národního muzea – Českého muzea hudby / Harps in the Collection of the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music. First edition. Prague: National Museum, 2022. 240 pages. ISBN 978-80-7036-730-8, 978-80-7036-731-5 (pdf).
Editio Monographica Musei Nationalis Pragae Num. 30.
This publication focuses on the presentation of the harp collection at the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music. At the core of the publication is a catalogue, which is accompanied by a text that concentrates mainly on issues specific to this country and on historical questions that are directly applicable to the harps in the museum collection. The purpose therefore is not a general discussion of the harp’s development and of its historically important phases, but rather to concentrate on specific local issues that are characteristic of the history of the instrument in this country and that are in any way relevant to the instruments in the collection of the National Museum.
This book is intended for museum workers, instrument restorers and preservers, harp makers, and music historians as well as for practical musicians – harpists, those interested in the harp from the perspective of the applied arts, ordinary museum visitors, and the broader lay public.
The e-book can be purchased in the online store Palmknihy.