Ateliér J. Mulač. Jan a Josef Mulačovi, fotografové kulturního života Prahy 1870–1914 / The Studio of J. Mulač. Jan and Josef Mulač, photographers of the cultural life of Prague 1870–1914
ISBN: 978-80-7036-708-7 (National Museum), 978-80-7036-709-4 (pdf, National Museum)
Author(s): Eva Paulová
Publisher: National Museum / Museum of Czech Literature
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 1632
Citation: PAULOVÁ, Eva. Ateliér J. Mulač. Jan a Josef Mulačovi, fotografové kulturního života Prahy 1870–1914 / The Studio of J. Mulač. Jan and Josef Mulač, photographers of the cultural life of Prague 1870–1914. Vydání první. Prague: National Museum / Museum of Czech Literature, 2023. 1632 stran. ISBN 978-80-7036-708-7 (National Museum), 978-80-7036-709-4 (pdf, National Museum).
Jan Mulac’s photographic studio represented the top of Prague at a certain period, especially in the 1880s and 1890s, mainly for artists and avid patriots. Jan Mulac’s greatest contribution was his close collaboration with the Provisional and National Theatre, as well as with concert performers both domestic and foreign. In addition, he moved in social circles around Vojta Náprstek, the Frič family, etc. Josef Mulač consciously continued the work of his uncle and his main merit is the preservation of at least part of the many thousands of Jan Mulac’s negatives, supplemented by important negatives of his own. The book brings together several thousand negatives and positives from the collections of the National Museum, the Literary Archive of the Memorial of National Literature, the Archive of the National Theatre and other archives, museums and private collections. In many cases they have not yet been published or correctly identified. Brings new insights into the history of the studio and its residences.
The e-book can be purchased in the online store Palmknihy.