Album Jana Ludevíta Procházky z let 1860–1888 / The Procházka Album (1860–1888)

Album Jana Ludevíta Procházky z let 1860–1888 / The Procházka Album (1860–1888)

Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-80-7036-383-6 (NM), 978-80-87773-00-0 (KLP)
Author(s): Jana Vojtěšková
Publisher: National Museum, Koniasch Latin Press
Type of publication: Book
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 349
Citation: VOJTĚŠKOVÁ, Jana. Album Jana Ludevíta Procházky z let 1860–1888 / The Procházka Album (1860–1888). Vydání první. Prague: National Museum, Koniasch Latin Press, 2013. 349 stran. ISBN 978-80-7036-383-6 (NM), 978-80-87773-00-0 (KLP).

JUDr Ludevít Procházka (1837–1888) was one of the major figures in Prague musical life during the 1860s and 1870s, active as a pianist, composer, conductor, pedagogue, music critic, editor, and concert presenter. Above all, he was a highly educated man with a wide range of knowledge who promoted modern Czech music with great enthusiasm, especially the works of Bedřich Smetana. After moving to Hamburg in 1879 he contributed substantially to promotion of Czech music abroad. The Ludevít Procházka album provides precious testimony to the history of musical culture in the second half of the nineteenth century, containing letters and commemorative inscriptions written by more than a hundred personages who had a significant impact on European culture of their time and were related to musical happenings in Prague, Hamburg, and other cultural centres mainly in central Europe.

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