Josef Suk. Housle, můj osud / The Violin, My Destiny

Josef Suk. Housle, můj osud / The Violin, My Destiny

Year: 2017
ISBN: 978-80-7036-522-9
Author(s): Jana Vojtěšková
Publisher: National Museum
Type of publication: Book
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 103
Citation: VOJTĚŠKOVÁ, Jana. Josef Suk. Housle, můj osud / The Violin, My Destiny. Vydání první. Prague: National Museum, 2017. 103 stran. ISBN 978-80-7036-522-9.

An exhibition dedicated to the world-famous Czech violinist Josef Suk was held at the Czech Museum of Music in 2016. It took place at a time when we were commemorating the fifth anniversary of the artist’s death. The intent of the exhibition was to show the personal side of Josef Suk and to commemorate the legacy that he has left us. The exhibition primarily presented family memorabilia that had been given or lent to the museum for the occasion by the violinist’s wife, Mrs. Marie Suková. We can now present the documents that had been compiled for the short-term exhibition in a printed publication as well.

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